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Kill the Gods is my debut young adult novel which I've been working on for almost four years. Currently, I am in the process of having it published. On this page, you will find information about Kill the Gods, updates on how my publishing journey is going, and more!

Please remember that all of my work is copyrighted (all rights reserved).

Kill the Gods Sample Cover


Kill the Gods is a young adult high-fantasy book with elements of romance. It draws inspiration from authors such as J.K. Rowling, Sarah J. Maas, and Kelley Armstrong (some of my favourite writers) and is approximately 130,000 words long. I wrote the original 114,000 word first-draft during NaNoWriMo 2019, a writing competition where writers aim to write an entire novel within the span of a month.



With any luck, Kill the Gods will be my first professionally published book. I've had several beta readers, all of whom rated the book very highly. During my efforts to get published, I am excited to share my progress with you, and invite you into a world which took me years to create. I hope you love the characters and their journeys as much as I do!



This novel focuses on Cyra Ganthys, an immortal woman who is around 3000 years of age. She is one of two surviving members of the Aemoln species. She was trained as an assassin for the gods and have been a slave to them her entire life. She is the main character.

Res Ganthys is the second remaining survivor of the Aemoln species, almost the exact same age as Cyra. He has the unique power to change the form of any dead or living creature. After he betrays the gods, he is exiled from the realm of Vados for over 200 years. When he returns, he comes to Cyra with a plan to kill the gods.

Without giving too much away, other major characters in this novel include the demigod Leros, Casarus the Prince of Darkness, Fabe A.K.A Torrix's golden boy, Ivor who is a maid at the Palace of Creation, and Haldan who is Ivor's future husband.



Cyra and Res Ganthys live in a world called Miedrak. It is divided into three realms: Vados, the realm of the gods; Lynonia, the realm of holy saints; and Kzar, the wretched realm of mortals. 

The realm of Vados is the most magical realm, primarily inhabited by the fay, as well as lesser-blood species such as goblins. There are many different races of fay. This realm is ruled by six of the seven gods: Rholnos the God of Pride; Nadnea, the Goddess of Wrath; Torrix, the God of Creation; Adysus, the God of Calm; Theria, the Goddess of Gift; and Sagathon, the God of Salvation.

Lynonia is the most mysertious realm. It is not ruled by any of the gods. However, only the gods may decide who will live there, and if you fall from their grace, you may never return. It is a land created by fallen clouds.

Kzar is the realm of mortals, where humans live without magic. They are ruled over by Katoras, the God of Worth, and his son Casarus, the Prince of Darkness.



This is Leros. He is a major character in 'Kill the Gods', and throughout the series. I drew this picture of him almost two years ago, when I first came up with this story. (He's also my sister's favourite character).


This is Res Ganthys (formerly known as Resinolos Telir). Like Cyra, he is one of the last surviving Aemoln. He was a soldier for the gods, serving alongside Cyra, his only friend. He has the unique power to shape-shift himself and others.


This is Cyra Ganthys, the main character of the story. The novel is written from her perspective. She is an Aemoln and an assassin serving the gods. She had her powers taken from her by the gods when she grew too powerful.


This is a portrait of "Torrix's golden boy" (as he is referred to throughout the first book). He is a prisoner of Torrix, the God of Creation, and is completely covered in gold. He has lived trapped in the Palace of Creation for centuries.


This is a picture of what I imagine Ivor and Haldan would look like on their wedding day. Ivor is Arden's maid at the beginning of Kill the Gods, and Haldan Rozeveld is a Lord serving in Torrix's court. Arden (a.k.a. Cyra) becomes well acquainted with them and later grow to be good friends.


This is Vortigern. He is a very special character that I love very much (so I feel really bad about all the terrible things I put him through in the story). Unfortunately, he doesn't appear until the third book in the 'Kill the Gods' series, but I thought I'd share the picture I drew of him anyway... because I love him. Yes, he does look scary (both in the book and this drawing).


This is a rough map of Vados, the middle realm. It is easy to distinguish from the other two realms (Lynonia and Kzar) because of its six distinct continents and its presence of magic deep within the ground. It is ruled by the gods and is mostly inhabited by the fay.


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